Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Golf Course ~ Bittersweet

As the end of golf season approaches here in the Northeast we continue to golf on what we New Englander's call nice days. A nice day here could simply mean the temp is above 40 degrees or it's 20 degrees but the sky is blue or the sun is shining.

Today while my sister-in-law and I golfed I brought the camera along to take a few pictures of the bittersweet that grows throughout the golf course.
My pictures don't do it justice but it is so lush and beautiful this year with vibrant orane outers and red, red centers on the berries.


mrscharlesehunt89 said...

(((K))) HI! Just popping in to take a good look at your new home. stepmum grows that! It IS gorgeous. She sells it by the bunch. LOVVVE the grape pics! Oh m'gosh....I SO gotta' get you to the'd love it. ;) C.

Remo said...

LOL We golf around here when it is 115 degrees. "Nice" weather is when it stops hitting 100.

p.s. we golf out here all year. In shorts.

Lori @ Purple Snapdragons said...

Gorgeous pics. Thank you for bringing a bit of fall my way too :) hugs, ~ L

Wil said...

My first wife used to run a boutique handset letterpress with the moniker "Bittersweet Press". Little bunches of dried bittersweet berries decorated the press room, collected in Massachusetts. Seems to be more prevelent there than up here.

Thanks for stopping by the 'Snooze I am pleased to find you out in the open again.

MyMaracas said...

Nice to find this other blog of yours. The bittersweet is beautiful. I'm planning to plant some of that around the place. Pretty pics!

Toon said...

I'm not a golfer, but I love the photos. Good groundskeeping is something I always notice!

